Thursday, December 22, 2011

The good about coffee

A good quality coffee extract offers the most rounded, pure coffee flavor or possible. Coffee is natural product that continues to surprise scientists with its diet and health benefits.

Coffee consumption is on the rise in the United States and over half of American drink it everyday.

The American coffee vendor Dunkin Donuts reportedly sells nearly 1 billion cups of coffee per year, or 30 cups of coffee every second.

The benefits of coffee are attributed to drinking black, caffeinated coffee. Adding some sugar and cream or some other ingredients to coffee adds calories and weakens and offsets the benefits.

Some studies that observed health and eating behaviors of adults have noted some benefits of drinking coffee, such as a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and some cancers.

Drinking two cups of coffee or a caffeinated energy drink about an hour before exercise may encourage the muscle to burn more fat and less glycogen and thus help increase the endurance.
The good about coffee

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