Cappuccino is a coffee based drink prepared with espresso, hot milk and steamed milk foam.
It is the most difficult coffee drink to make. The cappuccino drink should be a well-mixed pour, and wet foam with a velvety taste. This drink is traditionally served in a 6 ounce cup.
The name comes from the order of Franciscan Minor friars, named Cappucini from their custom of wearing a hood with their habit (cappuccio means hood in Italian).
The most important element in preparing a cappuccino is the texture and temperature of the milk.
A cappuccino made with equal parts steamed and frothed (thicker) milk is a classic espresso based drink. A latte is made with steamed milk and usually a small amount of frothed milk.
If a cappuccino is made correctly, the perfume and body of espresso completely permeate the froth and milk, extending throughout the drink without losing a molecule of power, while the sharpness of the coffee is softened without being subdued.
In North America cappuccino is frequent garnished with cinnamon, nutmeg or chocolate.
Coffee-based drink Cappuccino
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