Near-boiling water is pushed through roughly 7 grams of compressed coffee ground.
Shot means: a single 1 ounce of coffee. Single shot means: Espresso made from single shot. This is equivalent to about 1-ounce of coffee.
A single shot of espresso contains about 80 mg of caffeine. It contains relatively small amounts of cafestol and kahweol. On top of the espresso its hallmark touch p sits a frothy crown of golden red crema. It’s created by the high-pressure dispersion of gases in the coffee.
Single shot of espresso with steamed milk in 3:1 milk to coffee ratio is called Caffe latte.
Single shot of espresso with whipped cream on top is known as Espresso con panna.
Double shot means two single servings of espresso.
Espresso servings (shot)