Thursday, April 16, 2015

Drinking coffee reduce risk memory loss

Most people known that a cup of coffee can increase mental alertness and concentration and counter the effects of tiredness and fatigue.  In actual facts coffee is a psychoactive drug that acts on human mood, behavior, and intellect.

Drinking coffee may help when people feel retired, lacking in energy, and in during depression.
The coffee in coffee appears to reduce the risk of memory loss and Alzheimer’s by blocking the effects of adenosine. Caffeine also increases arousal and speeds communication among nerve cells in the brain.

This increase in alertness, a sense of being sharper, is what leads to better performance to cognitive tests, including test of memory.

In a study published recently, scientists at the University of California found that people over sixty-five drinking coffee at least five times a week, reduced their memory loss up to 20 percent compared with those who did not drink coffee at all.
Drinking coffee reduce risk memory loss

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