Arabica coffee prepare font the coffee bean, is the most frequently consumed drink around the world; coffee has medicinal properties.
Reported to be analgesic, anaphrodisiac, anorexic, antidotal, CNS-stimulant, counterirritant, diuretic, hypnotic, lactagogue, nervine, stimulant, coffee is a folk remedy for atropine-poisoning, fever, headache, jaundice, malaria, migraine, narcosis, nephrosis, opium-poisoning, sores, and vertigo.
In traditional medicine, different parts of coffee plants are used for influenza, anemia, edema, rage, hepatitis and externally for nervous shock and as stimulant for sleepiness, an antitussive in flu and lung ailments, a cardiotonic and neurotonic, for asthma and many more.
In Yemen coffea arabica is traditionally use as a stimulant, against headaches and kidney stones. The properties of coffee is stimulant of the central nervous system, has a slightly diuretic effect and lipolytic action when use externally as a cream.
Arabica coffee used in traditional medicine
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